Author : Ηλίας Σεκέρης

CEO Assassination and the Nature of Revolutionary Action

CEO Assassination and the Nature of Revolutionary Action The assassination of Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, is an occasion to open new discussions regarding the nature of revolutionary action and the methods of social change. Thompson, as a symbol of the barbarity of a system that prioritizes profit over human life, was the target of […]

The postmodern crisis of subjectivity. The “Ego” lost in the labyrinth.

The Postmodern Crisis of Subjectivity In traditional philosophical thought, the subject occupied a stable position, linking autonomy, rationality and moral action. The “ego” perceived itself as a central entity that remained constant in time and space, while the world around it, nature, society, could change. This stability was fundamental for the constitution of identity and […]

The imaginary institution of nature and the ecological dimension of autonomy

The imaginary institution of nature and the ecological dimension of autonomy The ecological crisis and the need for a new way of viewing the relationship between humans and the natural world are issues that preoccupied both Cornelius Castoriadis and Murray Bookchin, two of the most important thinkers of the 20th century. Despite the differences in […]

Technology and Emancipation: A Critical Approach

Technology and Emancipation: A Critical Approach Introduction Since the Enlightenment, technology has emerged as a tool that promises to liberate humans from ignorance and the limitations of nature. This belief in technological progress was strengthened during the Industrial Revolution, when productive power and mechanization were seen as liberating humans from physical fatigue and promoting human […]

The linguistic turn and Castoriadis’ thought: Language as Practice and Imagination

The Linguistic Turn and Castoriadis’ Thought: Language as Prattne and Imagination The linguistic turn is a major turning point in 20th-century philosophy, as it brought the concept of language to the forefront as a fundamental dimension of human knowledge and social practice. It refers to a significant shift in philosophical understanding, arguing that philosophy is […]

Hydrocarbon Extraction: A Critique Through the Lens of Degrowth

Hydrocarbon Extraction: A Critique Through the Lens of Degrowth By degrowth, we mean a form of society and economy that aims for the well-being of all and preserves the natural basis for life. To achieve degrowth, we need a fundamental transformation of our lives and a far-reaching cultural change. The dominant economic and social paradigm […]

Overtourism: Beaches as Commons in the Face of Disaster

Overtourism: Beaches as Commons in the face of destruction In an era of rampant commercialization of everything and escalating environmental destruction, it is more than necessary for us as a society to redefine our understanding of beaches and coastal areas in general, as well as our position and attitude towards them and their management. Beaches […]

Direct Democracy: Exploring the Ideas of Cornelius Castoriadis

Direct Democracy: Exploring the Ideas of Cornelius Castoriadis This article explores the concept of direct democracy, focusing on the perspective of Cornelius Castoriadis. Direct democracy as a form of government emphasizes the active participation of citizens in decision-making processes, thereby enhancing agency and promoting collectivity. Castoriadis’ ideas on autonomy, self-determination, and the social imaginary form […]

Castoriadis’ Imaginary Institution of Society and Polanyi’s Embeddedness of the Economy

Castoriadis’ Imaginary Institution of Society and Polanyi’s Embeddedness of the Economy Cornelius Castoriadis (1922 – 1997) and Karl Polanyi (1886 – 1964) are two prominent, contemporary thinkers who both offered critical perspectives on modern society and the role of institutions in shaping social and economic relations. While they come from different intellectual schools and traditions […]

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